A relational approach: perceptual flexibility, holding space to not know, (not pre-judging), and the investigative spirit
We are always filtering the data out patients share with us through the lens of... -
Key Take-Aways from over a Decade of Training in ISTDP with Marvin Skorman
Contents: Background The felt sense of connection, the two tiers of mobilization, and openness to... -
The Need for putting the Psyche back in Psychology: The Reality of the Self and the insults of Materialism
In line with Carl Gustav Jung’s reflections on a psychology with or without a psyche,... -
The Dark Underbelly of Psycho-Spiritual Change Models: Dangers and Pitfalls on the path of Personal Growth and Transformation
The inspiration and backdrop for this text I was 19-years-old when I started to take... -
Psychodynamic psychotherapy and active substance use
Active substance use, including marijuana consumption, can be problematic for psychodynamic and other uncovering types... -
The Myopic Error: How a Narrow Focus can Hurt our ISTDP informed Clinical Work
Having studied my copious and countless clinical mistakes as well as the mistakes of others... -
‘Crystallizing’ in Skorman’s Adaptation of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy
This article is geared towards Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) informed psychotherapists. Case material is... -
Resistance, the Crippled Self, ISTDP and a Path to Freedom
Let’s face it, if you are like most people, you sometimes bury feelings and memories... -
Common Relationship Mistakes and Solutions
Johannes Kieding, LMSW Common Relationship Mistakes and Solutions If you desire more... -
Review of Attachment Trauma Literature, a Clinical Vignette on Treatment
Enter a marvel of complexity -- the human brain. The brain is hard wired for...
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