Getting Old Sucks
“Getting old sucks!” That’s what my 86-year-old father shared with me on a recent visit.... -
We’re All Disabled
We’re All Disabled The Huffington Post, for whom I blog weekly, asked me to write... -
How Do We Humans Ever Make Good Decisions?
It’s a wonder that good decisions are ever made by the species known as Homo... -
More Evidence that We Humans are Not Rational
There is a growing body of research demonstrating that humans are far from the rational... -
Cognitive Biases Make Common Sense Neither
I argued that common sense was vastly over-rated as a tool for making sound judgments... -
What Me Worry?: Why Worrying Does More Harm Than Good
Worry is a natural part of the human condition. It has historically played a vital... -
Common Sense is Neither Common nor Sense
Common sense, defined as “sound judgment derived from experience rather than study,” is one of... -
Fear, Gloom, and Panic, Oh My!
In a recent post, I suggested that our survival instinct, which has served us so well... -
Fear, Gloom, and Panic, Oh My!
In a recent post, I suggested that our survival instinct, which has served us so well... -
What is the Best Emotion?
A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about what I thought was the worst possible emotion....