“Mundane” is not “Insignificant”
The courtship had been romance-novel perfect. There were grand gestures – he filled her apartment... -
Why Are Toilet Seats Such a Big Deal?
Probably as long as there have been sit-down toilets, women have been trying to get... -
A Clean Slate
Marie and Luke were in unfortunately familiar territory in this fight. Mostly they got along... -
Aggression for Self-Protection
It turned out to be one of their ugliest fights ever. She was really upset... -
Acceptance is a Form of Love
Veronica was fussing over the packing details – was there enough shampoo for the whole... -
A Spiritual Union
They met at a family reunion, but neither belonged to the family. She came with... -
The Pork Roast Parable
Clark, six, was helping his dad make dinner. He watched admiringly as his dad used...