Saturday, March 15, 2025
Blog Page 9

How Do I Know When It’s Time To Leave

How Do I Know When it’s Time To Leave? Maybe you're on the fence about leaving a relationship. Worry and fear keep you up at night. You wonder, what will happen if you leave? Will the kids be ok? Will you be okay on your own? These questio...

Coping with Loss

Each of us will face some sort of loss during our lifetime. Loss can include the passing away of a loved one, the loss of a job, divorce, decrease in mobility or body functions, and the loss of self after a life transition. There are many reactions to ...

Living with Hidden Pain

Living with pain, emotional or physical, can be more difficult when it isn’t obvious to those around you. I’ve heard too often about people being approached in a negative way for parking in the handicapped space because they don’t &ld...

Intimacy in Couples and Couples Therapy

Intimacy is an issue that comes up for many couples in couples therapy.  How intimate should a couple be with one another?  That is not a question that the therapist has an answer to, but rather one that the couple works out, and they may nee...

The Great Hidden Mindfulness Technique

Some time ago, I asked someone I trusted for advice on coping with emotional stress as I was going through a lot of big changes in my life.  Even though the changes were mostly positive, I was anxious, worried, and physically tense.  I rememb...

An Ode to Mirror Neurons

This blog post is inspired by my recent audio-book indulgence, Love Sense by Dr. Sue Johnson and musical artist Justin Timberlake's song, "Mirrors".  Pop Culture meets Attachment Science. Dr. Sue Johnson is mostly correct when she share...

3 Things to Avoid During a Divorce Involving Children

According to the American Psychological Association about 40-50% of first time marriages in the United States end in divorce, with the divorce rate increasing in subsequent marriages. With divorce rates so high, it is likely that yo...

Do I Have to Talk About Sex in Couples Therapy?

Many couples come to couples therapy to talk about a problem in their relationship.  Sometimes what brings them is a sexual issue but often that is not their main issue.  One common question that people often have is, will you have to talk ab...

The Power of Self Love

Even on the most beautiful of days, the world may seem like it’s against us. Every one of us experiences this sometimes- feeling drained and emotionally exhausted. While it might be tempting to search for an outside source to alleviate these nega...

Aggression for Self-Protection

It turned out to be one of their ugliest fights ever.  She was really upset about something that he’d done and was telling him calmly but clearly how hurt and angry she was.  He seemed to be listening.  He even looked ashamed of wh...

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