Friday, March 14, 2025
Blog Page 4

Why is it so hard to end an unhealthy relationship?

My last article pointed out 50 reasons why people stay in unhealthy relationships. Research shows that it is hard to end an unhealthy relationship. Furthermore, it shows that being in an unhealthy relationship is detrimental to your mental health. There is a push and...

Am I There Yet? Surviving Major Life Transitions

Do you remember watching those cartoons where the kids were in the back of the car screaming, “Are we there yet?!” This phrase can be the root of several emotions. We can all feel anxious, frustrated, or sad at times. Sometimes just sitting in...

Adolescents and Opioids

There is no secret that substance abuse is on a rise among our youth. Adolescent and substance has always been one of those issues that have drawn attention both locally and nationally. Substance abuse had drawn so much attention that there are legal stipulations...

50 Signs that you are in an unhealthy relationship

Many people are in unhealthy relationships today, but stay because the relationship feels "normal". There is a fundamental difference in what is normal and what is healthy. You may have seen unhealthy relationships when you were growing up and therefore it seems normal. Therefore,...

Why Self Care is so Important this Holiday Season

Holidays can be wonderful, though a struggle at the same time. Some people don't feel connected to their family. There are also people who have a difficult time saying "no" and end up taking on more than they intended to. This is why it...

Beating the Holiday Blues, before they hit.

“How am I supposed to make it through the Holidays?” “It is going to be different this year with them not here.” “I do not want to have to see him again”. The Holidays can bring joy, but can also bring pain. The Holidays...

Let’s talk about High Functioning Depression…The Silent Mental Illness

Often when we think of depression, we imagine an individual who struggles with completing all tasks of daily living, a flawed or grim perspective on any and everything, one who is isolative from family and friends and even one who has endorsed feelings of...

Why should I get premarital counseling?

Statistically speaking couples who receive premarital counseling had a 30% higher marital success rate than those who did not. Premarital counseling is more educational in nature and on average last about 8 sessions. Work, sex, chores, finances, and communication are the top 5 sources...

Seven Ways to be Grateful this Holiday Season

Giving thanks
The holiday season is thought of as a time to celebrate and spend time with loved ones. This can be difficult for many people for a variety of reasons. If the holidays are a difficult time for you, and you are willing to try...

The Many Faces of Anxiety

The aim of anxiety is to help you pay attention and to provide you with energy. You may dislike the way it makes you feel, but that’s the point: As with all negative emotions, the primary way in which anxiety motivates you to take action involves...

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