Saturday, March 15, 2025
Blog Page 22

Inner Compass: Inner Child

Emotions can help us make choices by giving us a vital compass that tells us where to go and who to get involved with. If we follow the directions of our inner compass, then we can make choices that feel authentic, enthusiastic, and sustainable. Imagin...

What Is Lust?

Lust may be experienced as intense desire, ardent enthusiasm, or unbridled sexual longing. This passionate craving is attention directing and a motivational force as is the experience of any emotion. When untethered, lust can lead to actions that may...

Longing and Vulnerability

We can experience longing for something we had and lost, or we can long for something we never had in the first place. A person may already have a partner but long for something more, or maybe different, that he or she believes will bring fulfillment...

Falling In Love Again– -Rekindling the Spark in a Long Term Marriage

Maintaining the love and affection once a relationship is well-established requires that effort. Often the responsibilities of life, work, and children get in the way and married couples forget to nurture their relationship. One may begin to feel tha...

Inner Compass: Tuning In

As we learned in my last post Inner Compass: Inner Child, emotions can help us make choices by giving us a vital compass that tells us where to go and who to get involved with. If we follow the directions of our inner compass, then we can make cho...

How Do We Humans Ever Make Good Decisions?

It’s a wonder that good decisions are ever made by the species known as Homo Sapiens. The reality is that the cards are stacked against us whenever we are faced with choices, especially when the decisions are of consequence. Think about all of th...

More Evidence that We Humans are Not Rational

There is a growing body of research demonstrating that humans are far from the rational thinkers and decision makers that we would like us to believe we are. Research has shown, for example, that our mood even smells can alter how we perceive, interpre...

What the Shenanigans?!

This morning I was so angry, hurt, and flustered, that I had my first panic attack. Don’t judge… Even Jesus got angry (Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 3:5; Mark 11:15-18; John 2:13-22). His was a righteous anger. He had contempt for deliberate sin ...

Handling Child Visitation Schedules During the Summer

Going through a divorce tends to be stressful for all parties. The stress level significantly increases when you add children into this process. If custody is shared, this means that children are shifted back and forth throughout the year and that su...

How to Handle Passive Aggressive People

Passive aggression is a form of anger, except the anger is expressed with a smile instead of the typical expressions. Passive aggressive people are experts at sugar coating hostility. They often use procrastination, bumbling inefficiency, and the exasperating excuse of “I forgot” to avoid commitments or let...

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