Sunday, March 16, 2025
Blog Page 16

The Pork Roast Parable

Clark, six, was helping his dad make dinner. He watched admiringly as his dad used a big, scary-looking cleaver to hack off the end of the pork roast and put it aside.  “Daddy, why did you cut off the end of the roast?” “Well, ...

Constructive Cynicism

Cynicism is something we all know about.  Today it’s synonymous with pessimism, bitterness, and distrust.  It is not a pleasant frame of mind to be in.  And it happens, from time to time, that one small encounter can change the way we see things...

The Hidden Danger of Retirement

The Hidden Danger of Retirement If you haven’t considered retirement planning for your brain, perhaps you should. Retirement is more than just having the financial means to no longer work. Just like marriage and childbirth, the age of retirement...

Feeling Overwhelmed By Political Change

  Right now, our communities are going through change due to the larger change in command in our nation for the United States. But, even before this time, our country found itself in the midst of change due to publicized instances of racism, and ...

Using Stress For Our Good

It’s the beginning of the year! This is the time that we reevaluate, read, set goals, and try to establish change that drives us forward. I would argue, this is also the time to determine sources of stress and determine why they are there. While ...

Tapping Into The Unconscious Mind

There’s many ways to dig deeper into the hidden paths of the mind to places we have been unaware off, and unearth memories that have been forgotten and repressed.   One way is psychoanalysis, or in depth therapy. Another is looking closely...

The Ultimate Change Is A Change Of Perspective

“Never make happiness your goal.” These words stood on top of a brief post in a newsletter  I received in my email box yesterday.  It got me curious. And it went on: “Happiness is a by-product of living fully your...

What About Enlightenment

Ever wondered what an enlightened person looks like? Probably not what you’ve imagined. Having gone through rigorous Zen training myself, which left me disillusioned and with ever more questions about what spirituality actually is, I’ve co...

The Wandering Mind

In a stunning study, it was  revealed that our minds are unfocused a staggering 47 percent of the time. That means that on average, we spend half of our waking hours daydreaming, obsessing over our schedules and the neighbor’s dog, plan...

Getting Motivated

We all know how hard it can be to reach goals: lose those five pounds, quit smoking, get an exercise routine going. Not to speak of finding a new job or giving up destructive habits like overspending or drinking. And while it will always be hard to rea...

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