Friday, March 7, 2025

A Spiritual Union

They met at a family reunion, but neither belonged to the family.  She came with her best friend, who’d begged her to come along and be a buffer between her and her mom.  He came with his racquetball buddy, who was hoping to persuade hi...

10 Ways to Increase Self-Care

What is self-care? Self-care has become somewhat of a buzz word in popular psychology. In a world filled with on-the-go professionals and families, people are finding it hard to slow down and, well, care for self.  But what exactly is self-care? ...

Working On a Better (Sexual) Relationship

Couples can have difficulties in one area of their relationship (sex, for example) that affects them in other areas (just talking to each other).  The partner that has a stronger desire for sex can often feel controlled by the partner with lower d...

Why I Hate the Phrase “Get Over It”

With tears streaming down her face, a woman said to me “I know I should be over this already, but I’m getting worse.”   She had lost her husband of 40+ years only 6 months prior to this conversation. We spoke of the details of ...

Is My Relationship Worth Fixing?

Chances are you've been asking this question for awhile. Perhaps you have the same, repetitive fights with your spouse. Maybe you feel unsatisfied, like something is missing in your relationship. Or, your partner has habits that drive you crazy but you...

Crucible and Couple’s Therapy

“Crucible” is a term that is not used so much currently. It means (from a search online) either “a container where substances are melted together to form a new substance” or “a situation of severe trial, or in which differ...

Slowing Down: Doing Less to Combat Stress

Take a deep breath. Relax. Calm down. How many times do we say these things to ourselves, our partners, our friends? While the sentiment behind the statement is often full of caring and concern, the statement itself isn’t necessarily a helpful on...

Chance Favors the Prepared Mind

Valentine’s Day was a few short months ago, but it’s still worth discussing. We've all just gotten our yearly dose of all things Valentine's day. Some of us may be experiencing hangover-like symptoms or withdrawals from the rose-colored tin...

Finding the Bright Spots

Recently, I attended a First Responders Series event discussing women and immigration.  These events are sponsored locally, in Charlotte, as a way of uniting to understand others and break down the silos that can keep us separated.  The atten...

Dissociative Identity and Finding Therapy

With the release of the new movie “Split”, there has been a lot of talk surrounding the topic of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Although the movie portrays the DID character as a villain, we may fail to consider the matter from the p...

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