Thursday, March 27, 2025

The Myopic Error: How a Narrow Focus can Hurt our ISTDP...

Having studied my copious and countless clinical mistakes as well as the mistakes of others over the years, a few themes stand out, many...

‘Crystallizing’ in Skorman’s Adaptation of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy

This article is geared towards Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) informed psychotherapists. Case material is strictly hypothetical, examples of interventions are...

Let’s talk about High Functioning Depression…The Silent Mental Illness

Often when we think of depression, we imagine an individual who struggles with completing all tasks of daily living, a flawed or grim perspective...

Why should I get premarital counseling?

Statistically speaking couples who receive premarital counseling had a 30% higher marital success rate than those who did not. Premarital counseling is more educational...

What are Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors?

Body-focused repetitive behaviors are difficult to define. trichotillomania (hair-pulling) was only included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) in 1987, while excoriation "skin-picking" disorder was only added in the fifth edition in 2013. ...

Parents: You’re Not Your Child’s Best Friend

I have worked with numerous families through the years, especially families of tweens and teens. If I never heard the following phrase again, especially coming from a mother or father of a teenager, I’d die one happy therapist:   “We...

Parental Mental Illness

Mental illness in families can be very challenging for everyone involved. Mental illness is a complicated disease to understand, let alone to cope with. Much more is known about mental illness now than it was decades ago, however, it is still difficult...

Coping with Loss

Each of us will face some sort of loss during our lifetime. Loss can include the passing away of a loved one, the loss of a job, divorce, decrease in mobility or body functions, and the loss of self after a life transition. There are many reactions to ...

Intimacy in Couples and Couples Therapy

Intimacy is an issue that comes up for many couples in couples therapy.  How intimate should a couple be with one another?  That is not a question that the therapist has an answer to, but rather one that the couple works out, and they may nee...

An Ode to Mirror Neurons

This blog post is inspired by my recent audio-book indulgence, Love Sense by Dr. Sue Johnson and musical artist Justin Timberlake's song, "Mirrors".  Pop Culture meets Attachment Science. Dr. Sue Johnson is mostly correct when she share...

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