Friday, March 28, 2025

ISTDP-informed Couples Therapy

— a Skorman/Kieding amalgamation perspective In couples therapy, you are initially dealing with needing to establish two separate conscious therapeutic alliances that have...

Psychodynamic psychotherapy and active substance use 

Active substance use, including marijuana consumption, can be problematic for psychodynamic and other uncovering types of psychotherapeutic treatments such as Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy...

The Dark Underbelly of Psycho-Spiritual Change Models: Dangers and Pitfalls on...

The inspiration and backdrop for this textI was 19-years-old when I started to take an interest in finding a more authentic and...

Review of Attachment Trauma Literature, a Clinical Vignette on Treatment

Enter a marvel of complexity -- the human brain. The brain is hard wired for attachment, an evolutionary adaptation that stems from the reality that safety and survival is typically more likely while in a band rather than solo. Attachment trauma refers...

Constructive Cynicism

Cynicism is something we all know about.  Today it’s synonymous with pessimism, bitterness, and distrust.  It is not a pleasant frame of mind to...

The Universal Wound, Transference Behaviors, and Stepping out of the Shoes

— Transference behaviors here meaning both ‘resistance’ in the narrow sense  as well as distorted perceptions and unconscious attempts by the patient to pull...

Crucible and Couple’s Therapy

“Crucible” is a term that is not used so much currently. It means (from a search online) either “a container where substances are melted together to form a new substance” or “a situation of severe trial, or in which differ...

Portraiting: Considerations of some common issues

Here are a few brief and far from exhaustive reflections for ISTDP-informed therapists interested in the technique of portraiting the impulse component of emotions...

Maladaptive interpersonal patterns and ways to intervene

Observations from thousands of hours of both individual and couples therapy sessions: The patient that monologues, gives speeches, and answers their own questions...

Being in Crisis

It’s probably not surprising that as a psychiatric mental health provider, I work daily with people who are in crisis. Over the years, I’ve noticed that fewer and fewer people are aware they are in crisis when they come to see me. There are...

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