Adult + First Year of College = Stress
By Tamara J. Reeves, Ph.D.
You are Not Alone
I have been teaching college students for a long time. Two years ago, I made the transition to teaching
an entry level course at the University of Phoenix that is designed for new students who have been o...
Stop Blaming (Yourself)
By Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW
In the words of Brene Brown, “Blame is a way we discharge pain. “
We blame others, hurling insults and digging our heels into the cushy comfort of self-righteous indignation. &nbs...
Is it Just Stress, or is it Burn Out?
You wonder, “Is there a difference between the two?” When you are under stress, you can have temporary feelings of fatigue, anxiousness, moodiness and restlessness. These...
Moms: Don’t Worry So Much
As if that's possible.
But give it a shot, because there's a study in the Journal of Marriage and Family that demonstrates that neither the amount of accessible (present but not directly interacting) nor engaged (directly interacting) time tha...
Fear, Gloom, and Panic, Oh My!
In a recent post, I suggested that our survival instinct, which has served us so well for so long, may now be failing us. Why? because the reactions that arise as part of the fight-or-flight response are often no longer effective in a world that i...
Handling Child Visitation Schedules During the Summer
Going through a divorce tends to be stressful for all parties. The stress level significantly increases when
you add children into this process. If custody is shared, this means that children are shifted back and
forth throughout the year and that su...
Inside Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors
Body-focused repetitive behaviors are difficult to define. trichotillomania (hair-pulling) was only included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) in 1987, while excoriation "skin-picking" disorder was only added in the fifth edition in 2013. ...
Am I There Yet? Surviving Major Life Transitions
Do you remember watching those cartoons where the kids were in the back of the car screaming, “Are we there yet?!” This phrase can...
Creating the Spa In Everyday Life
This past weekend I had the amazing opportunity to spend the day with one of my close friends at a spa. It left all of wishing that it could be a daily indulgence. Although it is unlikely for any of us to relocate to the spa of our choosing permanent...
Why Self Care is so Important this Holiday Season
Holidays can be wonderful, though a struggle at the same time. Some people don't feel connected to their family. There are also people who...