Friday, March 28, 2025

Having Privacy Vs. Keeping Secrets In Relationships: What’s The Difference?

Having Privacy Vs. Keeping Secrets In Relationships: What’s The Difference?   One of the most common areas of couples’ struggles is determining how open and transparent they want to be, and will be, in their relationship. There is of...

Lovers (the Movie), Boredom, and Where Are You?

As a couples therapist, I have an interest in things that have to do with couples.  A new movie, Lovers, is about a long-time couple in which both people are having affairs but their own relationship starts to sizzle again.  There was a revie...

How Detachment Works with Difficult People

How Detachment Works With Difficult People You're tired of living with an addict but can't leave. You can’t let go of your loved one’s bad choices. Your sister is hanging onto an abusive guy, and you can’t stand it. These are all ...

The message not the messenger

  I am seeing an increasing number of communication dilemmas involving misperceptions between what’s being said versus what’s being interpreted. When explaining this perplexity, I describe it as not being the “message” but...

What’s the Problem with “No Problem?”

What’s the Problem with “No Problem?”   By Marcia Naomi Berger, MSW. LCSW   When you express thanks to someone and then hear, “No Problem,” how do you feel? Maybe it’s fine with you. Maybe you yourself ...

Are Triggers Ruining Your Relationships?

Think about the last time you got really upset at your partner. Did your reaction surprise you or your partner? In these situations, it is important to look at the feelings that arise, especially feelings of anger because these are indicators of some d...

When Your Spouse is Depressed

Dealing with a depressed spouse is not easy. The burden that is carried by one partner often migrates over to the other, and in the end both people may feel depressed and hopeless. According to a study by EAP consultants

When You Feel Out Of Control

When You Feel Out of Control Recently, one of my clients had quite an amazing epiphany. She realized that she’d been nagging and complaining to her significant other. When we talked about why she was doing this, she suddenly realized that she fe...

Keys to Effective Communication

Assertive communication is the best way to dialogue effectively. It is okay to have your needs met and speak about what is bothering you, however, you have to communicate your needs in a way that is going to be well-received and heard. There are five ...

Is Emotional Openness the Key to Healthy Relationships?

Is Emotional Openness the Key to Healthy Relationships? Have you ever been at a social event, whether a hosted dinner, picnic, party, what-have-you, and you meet someone who is obviously intelligent, well educated, and successful? You fully expect an ...

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