Friday, March 28, 2025

Common Relationship Mistakes and Solutions

Johannes Kieding, LMSW     Common Relationship Mistakes and Solutions   If you desire more fulfillment in your relationships, if you want a sense of closeness, togetherness, and less emotional isolation and friction with those you c...

Rebound Relationships

Rebound Relationships   Moving on can help you to get over what has to be left behind. Mary Lamia, Ph.D.   A person might be considered on the rebound if he or she becomes involved in a relationship that shortly follows the ending of a p...

The Honor of Trauma Bonds

I may get some flak for my perspective. However, at this point I’ve dealt with this topic to the point that I think I’ve had enough. There is an underlying system of spousal/partner abuse I have observed with many of the couples I see. For ...

Relearning as an Adult What You Didn’t Learn as a Child

Do you remember hearing the phrase as a child, “Do as I say, not as I do”? Everyone makes mistakes. So of course parents want you to listen to their words and not copy their actions. Unfortunately, that’s not how we learn best. When...

50 Signs that you are in an unhealthy relationship

Many people are in unhealthy relationships today, but stay because the relationship feels "normal". There is a fundamental difference in what is normal and...

How to Break Up with a Narcissist

(Adapted from Dr. Judith Orloff’s new book “Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself From Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life” (Three Rivers Press, 2011) by Judith Orloff...

Why is it so hard to end an unhealthy relationship?

My last article pointed out 50 reasons why people stay in unhealthy relationships. Research shows that it is hard to end an unhealthy relationship....

Accepting Loss is a Part of Being Free

Loss is difficult to process. It's painful to let go of our cherished relationships and beliefs. Most of us resist loss at all cost. We hold on to relationships that may have run its course. We hold on to behaviors that don't serve us any more, and get...

Living with an Anxious Spouse

Living with an Anxiety Disorder is typically associated with a great deal of personal distress, but it can be difficult on the partners of those...

The Uneasy Side of Compliments

The Uneasy Side of Compliments. Mary Lamia, Ph.D.   You may want to receive a compliment from someone you value. But can you accept it? Praise, admiration, or appreciation may be difficult to embrace, regardless of how much you desire or seek i...

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