Sunday, September 8, 2024

The message not the messenger

  I am seeing an increasing number of communication dilemmas involving misperceptions between what’s being said versus what’s being interpreted. When explaining this perplexity, I describe it as not being the “message” but...

Mind-Body Connections for Coping with Crisis

Mind-Body Connections for Coping with Crisis   The gun violence in Orlando, FL that claimed the lives of 50 people this week, as well as the ongoing epidemic of violent acts on civilians has unsettled many of us. How can we feel safe in the face...

The Gamble of Being Unapologetically Me

The Gamble of Being Unapologetically Me   I believe writing this article is similar to writing the directions to solve a Rubik’s cube or giving someone the cheat codes to a complex video game. If you’ve ever used a cheat code or go...

To Evaluate Or Not

In my own clinical practice I primarily see individuals (i.e., children, adolescents and adults) for evaluation purposes. The types of evaluations needed range quite...

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