Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Social Media’s Impact on Our Health

Social networking sites (SNS) were created following development of the arpanet to later become known as the internet. Initially, an SNS was defined as a virtual community that offered its members the ability to network and share media content. Unlike ...

The Unattainable Standard For Men and Boys

By Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW     Picture a twenty-four-year-old adorable, intelligent but anxious and insecure young man. Joe, as I will call him, often feels frightened. If he were to pause for a moment and check in with his physica...

What Me Worry?: Why Worrying Does More Harm Than Good

Worry is a natural part of the human condition. It has historically played a vital role in our survival and it helps us cope with many of the challenges we face today. At the same time, worry that is too intense, too frequent, and too unrelenting can d...

One Simple Tool To Work With Anxiety

Anxiety is a tricky emotion. It is a fearful response to an imagined situation, a self-imposed deadline, or a hoped-for outcome that is not coming to fruition as quickly as planned. Or it is a response to a perceived threat that may or may not manife...

The Great Hidden Mindfulness Technique

Some time ago, I asked someone I trusted for advice on coping with emotional stress as I was going through a lot of big changes in my life.  Even though the changes were mostly positive, I was anxious, worried, and physically tense.  I rememb...

How To Get Better Sleep When You Have Anxiety

When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep? If you have anxiety, chances are it’s been awhile. Anxiety is notoriously known for disrupting sleep, which can start a vicious cycle of more anxiety about not sleeping leading to even mo...

Am I There Yet? Surviving Major Life Transitions

Do you remember watching those cartoons where the kids were in the back of the car screaming, “Are we there yet?!” This phrase can...

College Students and Mental Health

College Students & Mental Health Most of us can recall our college days and experiences as being some of the best times of our lives. Many college graduates can reflect on the time as the introduction of “adulthood”; freedom, or if you ...

6 Key Things You Can Do to Help your Loved Ones...

Experiencing the force of nature at its greatest can be terrifying.  Some choose to stay and hold on while others choose to leave not knowing how their safe place called home will look once they return.  Both experiences involve overwhelming ...

A Mindful Approach to Quell Your Anxiety

Karma is created by the thought, the word and the deed. This means that in creating karma, the intention is as powerful as what we do. I say this to remind us that our intentions are a powerful influence on the course of our actions. And it all begins ...

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