How To Get Better Sleep When You Have Anxiety
When was the last time you had a good night’s sleep? If you have anxiety, chances are it’s been awhile. Anxiety is notoriously known for disrupting sleep, which can start a vicious cycle of more anxiety about not sleeping leading to even mo...
The Great Hidden Mindfulness Technique
Some time ago, I asked someone I trusted for advice on coping with emotional stress as I was going through a lot of big changes in my life. Even though the changes were mostly positive, I was anxious, worried, and physically tense. I rememb...
One Simple Tool To Work With Anxiety
Anxiety is a tricky emotion. It is a fearful response to an imagined situation, a self-imposed
deadline, or a hoped-for outcome that is not coming to fruition as quickly as planned. Or it is a
response to a perceived threat that may or may not manife...
Living with an Anxious Spouse
Living with an Anxiety Disorder is typically associated with a great deal of personal distress, but
it can be difficult on the partners of those...
What the Shenanigans?!
This morning I was so angry, hurt, and flustered, that I had my first panic attack. Don’t judge… Even Jesus got angry (Matthew 21:12-13; Mark 3:5; Mark 11:15-18; John 2:13-22). His was a righteous anger. He had contempt for deliberate sin ...
What Me Worry?: Why Worrying Does More Harm Than Good
Worry is a natural part of the human condition. It has historically played a vital role in our survival and it helps us cope with many of the challenges we face today. At the same time, worry that is too intense, too frequent, and too unrelenting can d...
The Unattainable Standard For Men and Boys
By Hilary Jacobs Hendel, LCSW
Picture a twenty-four-year-old adorable, intelligent but anxious and insecure young man. Joe, as I will call him, often feels frightened. If he were to pause for a moment and check in with his physica...
Mind-Body Connections For Anxiety Reduction
There is a terrible feeling most of us have experienced before during stressful times. It’s that vague sense of dread that something is going to go wrong and that we should do something but don’t know what that is. The heart starts racing o...
Regrets? Why Worrying Shouldn’t Be One of Them
Regrets? Why Worrying Shouldn’t Be One of Them
Recently, I came across this wonderful article from Business Insider. The article summarizes the regrets that people have when they look back on their lives. Many of the regrets were so...
Music As Therapy
Music As Therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is an evidence based practice aimed at helping people reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. CBT works through learning how what we say to ourselves has a direct correlation to h...